Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Come As You Are

Here is the chorus to a song I just heard awhile ago! I just love the lyrics so much!

"You can come as you are, with all your broken pieces, and all your shameful scars! The pain you hold in your heart, bring it all to Jesus! You can come as you are!"

These words encourage me so much! Just love those lyrics! No matter what baggage you hold, you will always be accepted by Jesus! Just had to share those words with you! I love the whole song, so go look it up! :) It's by "pocket full of rocks"! I love that band name too! Very creative! :)

Come as you are!
Sorry it's been so long!


  1. Great song, Micah!!! Very encouraging lyrics!!! It is so great to know that our God is on our side and we can come to Him no matter what our standing is!!! :)

    I'll make sure to look up that song!!


  2. Thanks for commenting Rana! You should definitely look this song up!

