Thursday, July 08, 2010

Amazing experience at work

So, I was working this was a little after 6 am, and it was raining pretty hard. I was mowing away on the golf course, and I was listening to my ipod. I was not enjoying the rain much, but then "By Your Side" by Tenth Avenue North came on! I absolutely love this song, but as soon as it got to the chorus which says, "and I'll be by your side, whenever you fall, in the dead of night, whenever you call" soon as I heard that, I looked up and the most beautiful rainbow I have ever seen was in the sky! I was speachless and was stunned by how amazing our God is! The very sign that tells us that God is with us and will keep His promises comes out right during that song! I was mowing greens with some of the biggest goosebumps ever! I couldn't believe how amazing our God is! Thank you, God, for showing me that sight this morning! I needed to see that! Wow, we have an awesome God!! Just had to share that story with you guys!!

Praising God!


  1. Add to that 1st comment: How great is our God!

  2. Micah,

    Wow!!! This gave me goosebumps just imaging how glorious that sight was you just described!!!! Sounds like God showed you a piece of heaven that day!!! Glad you were able to marvel at His glory!!

    Thanks for sharing!!!

  3. Yeah Rana, it was amazing! I was so happy all of the sudden, and i was singing at the top of my lungs! :) I probably had people wondering what was going on, but I didn't care! It was awesome! :)

